
“Live, Laugh, Love”



Welcome to my website! An online place where I intend to share drawings and photos, ChatGPT generated nonsense, and less serious thoughts. This website is also an experiment in itself: I wanted to try this new shiny static site generator (called Eleventy) and see if I could create a "self-documenting" website from one init.el file (the README). All images are mine, unless specified otherwise.

Newest posts!

10 Unhelpful analogies for understanding Chat-GPT

[3 Aug 2023]—Chat-GPT—not to be confused with Chap-GTP—is all the rage these days, but how does it work? We spoke to experts in the field and compiled this list of great explanations. 1. Chat-GPT is like a...

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[3 Aug 2023]—...

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